We are Warmley Park.

We are a South Gloucestershire maintained special school and college for pupils aged 2-19 with Education, Health, and Care Plans. Typically our pupils have severe learning difficulties but that includes a range of associated needs including physical, sensory impairment, social communication, and developmental delay. Admissions are through the 0-25 team at South Gloucestershire Council.

We aspire to do our best to give the children and young people who we work by giving them an amazing journey through Warmley Park. We aspire to make sure that their journey prepares them for their life beyond here. Learning should be an adventure, sometimes hard work and challenging, but with the right support definitely achievable! We aspire to have a high profile in our community, with partnerships which mutually benefit everyone. You will see us out and about- visiting our local libraries, Forest School, cycling, volunteering, swimming, developing functional skills through shopping, on work experience. When you come to visit you will be warmly welcomed and you will see our the aspirational learning that is taking place- communication, a whole school emphasis on reading, social interaction skills, independence, and children and young people having a lot of fun.

We believe that our children and young people should understand that the task ahead of them is never greater than the strength within them. We believe that they learn best when they are safe and when they feel secure- safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We want them to be emotionally secure with who they are and of course to be happy. We believe that they should be able to make push their confidence and know that it is ok to make mistakes within the safety of Warmley Park so that they can learn. We believe that they need to know that we will always respect them and give unconditional positive regard, and that metaphorically, if they fall we will catch them.

We believe that the curriculum should reflect their needs. The golden threads of our curriculum are communication, relationships and independence.  A positive behaviour and least restrictive approach supports our children and young people to be able to self regulate. We believe that the learning environment needs to be adaptive to needs with opportunities for outdoor learning, physical development with our fantastic hydrotherapy pool, reading resources including a stunning library, dance and drama studio, art room and on site Forest School provision. Our classrooms reflect the needs of learners with provision for accessibility, where relevant high structure/ low arousal, and displays that promote independence and celebrate learning.


We enhance learning to build relationships and make memories. Their time at Warmley Park is precious and every opportunity to gain confidence, make choices, stay healthy, and understand safe behaviour. The challenges for our children and young people of growing up in a world where the internet offers both opportunities and risks are always at the forefront of our planning. Our curriculum includes Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Humanities, RE, PE, Creative Arts, and Computing. Where children and young people have specific provision on their EHCP to address their needs this is delivered on a bespoke basis. The curriculum is enhanced through interventions that develop skills and engage children and young people. We love Rebound, pottery, drama, gardening, cooking, dance and play. Our whole school and college approach to play is fundamental in enhancing learning through interests and the building of confidence.

We know that the engagement and connection that our children and young people have with staff is one of the strongest factors in enhancing their learning. Staff and other adults working with us at Warmley Park share the drive to see our children and young people succeed. Their skills reflect the needs that we support, and they model positive relationships, nurturing and caring beyond the academic curriculum offer. Warmley Park staff are proud of our children and young people, having high aspirations and celebrating their achievements. Our families matter to us- they are the experts on our children and young people. We want to get to know them, and to enhance our relationship with them by working together.

We want our young people to achieve and recognise their achievements, feeling that they have done their best. We also want others to see what happens at Warmley Park. In preparing our children and young for their futures, we want to open doors and opportunities for them. At Warmley Park they learn about healthy relationships, taking care of themselves physically and emotionally, being a good citizen, functional skills that they can use to communicate, problem solve, keep healthy, and engage in their community, moving on with skills, knowledge, and accreditation. Plus a lot of happy memories based on enriching experiences. We are Warmley Park.