Annual Review of an EHCP

All pupils who attend Warmley Park will have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

The law states that EHCPs must be reviewed annually for children and young people over the age of 5. Children under the age of 5 will have a review of the plan every 6 months. This is called an annual review meeting.

How will I know when the annual review meeting is?

Warmley Park will arrange a date for the annual review that provides you with at least one month’s notice. If you are unable to attend that date then we will work with you to identify an alternative date/time.


How do I prepare for my child’s annual review meeting?

At least two weeks prior to the meeting you will receive copies of the school report from your child’s class teacher, and any other reports that have been submitted by other professionals involved, such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Music Therapist, etc.

It’s important that you read through these reports in case there is anything you wish to discuss further at the meeting.

In the paperwork there will also be a form for you to complete, allowing you to contribute your views regarding your child’s progress.

If you are feeling nervous about attending the meeting, you are welcome to bring a family member/friend along to support you. SENDANDYOU (previously known as Supportive Parents) are an agency who are also able to support you if needed:


Who will be at the meeting?   

The meeting will be usually be chaired by the SENDCo, but may also be chaired by the Head of Department, Deputy Head or Head Teacher.

Where appropriate we will encourage your child to attend their annual review, even if it’s just for a part of the meeting. They will be supported to contribute their views through their preferred communication method.

Other professionals working with your child will also be invited to attend, such as a social worker, respite carer, occupational therapist, etc.


What will happen at the meeting?

The meeting will begin with introductions and then your child or their class teacher will present a variety of images or a video showcasing their participation in activities and key areas of progress.

Following this there will be a discussion around your child’s presentation at home and then around their progress towards the outcomes in their EHCP, allowing for any concerns to be raised, and actions identified.

If your child has achieved the majority of the outcomes in their EHCP, we will also discuss new outcomes.


What happens after the meeting?

The chair of the meeting will write up the discussion from the meeting and any further actions identified, e.g. referrals, amending the EHCP to include the new outcomes.

Everyone invited to attend the meeting and the Local Authority, will be sent a copy of the meeting summary and any other relevant paperwork within two weeks.

The Local Authority will then decide on whether any changes need to be made. If they decide to amend the EHCP, this has to be done within 8 weeks of the decision.


More information can be found on the South Glos Local Offer: